Thursday, March 27, 2014

Who is Monsanto? Why should we care.

Roundup herbicide
Agent Orange
GMO seeds

These may not seem related but they all have something in common:

Monsanto by the numbers:

2011 NET sales $11.8 billion

Top Products:
Roundup and Harness herbicides, corn seeds, soybean seeds, cotton seeds, vegetable seeds, insect-repellent cotton and corn

Global Facilities: 404 facilities in 66 countries across 6 continents
Global Reach: In 2009 Monsanto products were grown on more than 282 million acres worldwide with 40% of the US crops.

U.S. Political Campaign Contributions (2000-2012) $829,662
U.S. Lobbying Expenditures (2000-2012) $62,356,730.00

Monsanto has extensive patents on GE seeds and traits which ensures the companies legal rights to sure farmers for any assumed patent violations. Farmers who buy Monsanto seeds are "Locked into a technology use guide" agreement which stipulates that farmers may not save any seeds for commercial use. The agreement allows Monsanto to investigate farmers fields at any time and has filed lawsuits against American farmers as of 2010 400 farmers and 53 business's were brought to trial. They also have bedfellows in Congress who once worked exclusively for Monsanto. They are deciding the safety measures for our food sources and supplies freedoms to Monsanto against law suits from the known public who have been injured by their products by passing legislation protecting Monsanto. While many European countries have BANNED GMO's America is increasing the use every year. In 2009 93% of soybeans and 80% of corn was grown with GMO seeds.

Please pass this knowledge and your thoughts and outrage to the Congress who need to stand up to this monster company. Our lives and the lives of children and generations to come, not to mention the bee's and the birds and the water is at stake.

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