As a longtime lover of all things "green" I have been waiting patiently and not so patiently, for the colors of spring to come forth. This has been the year of white. As in "white outs" and not to be confused with something gentle and pure. NO! This has been the year of snow blowing sideways and drifts and cold and the poor little bewildered birds fluffed up and covered in ice amongst the normally flowering lilac bush at our front window.
I am beyond bewildered and so are the plants and the critters and the darling Bumble bee that came sleepily one day when the temperatures came out of Arctic and became down right balmy. This precious creature that is under attack by the likes of Monsanto injecting pesticides into the seeds and requiring farmers to use these monster/evil seeds to grow crops to feed Americans and herbicides and still more problems with the stripping of land that in the past nourished it's kind with wild flowers instead of cement and asphalt.
This beautiful Bumble bee was in search of my "Bee garden" which I tenderly and lovingly planted four years ago and has been the bee's "Happy place" ( mine too while watching them live life as it should be) But this year it lies dormant and brown.
I am all about trying to accept the things we cannot change. I am all about trusting GOD with everything, but I gotta tell ya..watching this bumble bee try to find food just about broke my already heavily laden heart.
It's officially May 6th today. I am waiting for a stretch of warm weather to beckon the poor freezer burned plants that attempted an earlier arrival. God bless their optimism, and for tiny flowers of yellow and reds to beckon those precious bee's to be nourished.